Valencia Spain ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ
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Valencia questions

What are the best tips for remote workers in Valencia?

Whether you are a beginner traveler or an experienced digital nomad, you will want to know our main tips for remote workers in Valencia if you are thinking of coming here. Valencia is a very manageable city and generally easy to navigate - life here is comfortable, the WIFI is great and the city itself is considered safe and welcoming. As with any new city however, there are a few things all new visitors should keep in mind. This is particularly relevant for remote workers, as they are bound to spend longer in Valencia and will face additional hurdles and require further information.

Learn some Spanish or Valencian

The level of English in the city is low to moderate and unless you visit places that regularly cater to tourists and visitors you are unlikely to encounter very good levels of English. The city is very international, however, and there is a huge number of expats and Remote Workers already here. Having said that, an important tip for remote workers in Valencia will be to use their time wisely to learn some Spanish while they are here. Spanish is an incredibly important world language and will certainly open up social and professional opportunities for you in Valencia. If you are also interested in really delving into the cultural fabric of the city, learning some of the local Valencian dialect will be worthwhile too!

Join a Community

This applies to every city where remote workers hope to settle. Yet in Valencia there are many opportunities to engage both with the local culture and meet other remote workers that rely on you joining some of the many available groups. Our list of best remote worker groups in Valencia includes hiking communities, language exchange meetups and coworking groups. Certainly being a part of these groups is probably the best way to make friends and get to know Valencia a little better.

Choose your neighborhood and apartment wisely

One of the most important tips for remote workers in Valencia is to take their time to research potential neighborhoods and apartments in the city before sticking to one long-term. Each neighborhood has, of course, its benefits and downsides - Gran Via is central but expensive; Ciutat Vella is beautiful and rich in history but very touristic; and the outer neighborhoods of Monteolivete and Benimaclet are comfortable and affordable but require a good walk to get to the city. Equally, it is important to ask important questions of potential apartments - check all appliances and features before renting, and ask about insulation and utility costs. On the whole, it is recommended to stay in an AirBnB or local hotel before embarking on a full-scale local apartment hunt.

Rent or buy a bike to get around

Valencia is an extremely bike-friendly city and remote workers will really appreciate the independence that comes with not having to rely on the local transport networks. It is easy to rent a bike here, too -- local shops will offer prices of up to 12EUR a day, and the local Valenbisi bike-share service also has convenient rates for shorter rentals. If you plan on staying in Valencia for a while, it may be worth considering buying a bike and giving yourself the chance to experience the city differently and be able to ride to the beach or any of the cityโ€™s attractions whenever you want!

For more information about living in Valencia as a remote worker, check out our complete Valencia guide.