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Playa del Carmen questions

What are the best tips for Remote workers in Playa del Carmen?

If you're looking for the latest tips for remote workers in Playa del Carmen, you've come to the right place! Here we outline some of the hottest advice for those looking to settle in Playa del Carmen for a few months of remote work.

Moving to another country as a remote workers can be a daunting experience! Thankfully, expats, Digital Nomads and remote workers in Playa del Carmen have created useful networks and communities that provide advice to newcomers. It is always important to check out tips and advice from locals to ensure you have the best possible experience in your new temporary home. Below we have compiled a list of the most useful tips for remote workers in Playa del Carmen.

Learn some Spanish before coming

Playa del Carmen has become an increasingly cosmopolitan city in Mexico, with expats and visitors from around the world making the city increasingly adept in a number of different languages. Nonetheless, it will definitely help to have at least some basic Spanish to be able to navigate menus, conversations with your landlord and even for meeting new people. An important tip for remote workers in Playa del Carmen is, if you have some basic Spanish, that you might be able to avoid โ€œtourist pricesโ€ by explaining that you actually live in Playa del Carmen. For networking and business, it is recommended remote workers have at least some Spanish.

Use transportation wisely

Get to know Playa del Carmenโ€™s public transport system! Even though it may not be the most user-friendly, it is definitely recommended you get acquainted with the different routes and fares as it can mean considerable savings for you in the long-term. Beware of the nuances of transport here - know your stop, carry exact change, and always look on the front of the bus for important fare and route information! For remote workers carrying laptops with them, taxis and extra care are recommended.

Come with a Healthcare plan

Playa del Carmen boasts a number of public clinics and hospitals, but it is strongly recommended that remote workers take out appropriate health insurance before arriving in Playa del Carmen. International clinics and hospitals will offer more personalized cared and may be able to assist you in English.

Experience Playa del Carmenโ€™s food scene!

Much like across the rest of Mexico, food is one of Playa del Carmenโ€™s highlights. Traditional, authentic Mexican cuisine as well as great international options make this a fantastic destination for foodies. remote workers will want to try out some of the cityโ€™s best Tacos at Carnitas Teresitas and Chac Pel both on Juarez Avenue, and Silao - Barbacoa & Carnitas on Ave. Petempich. In general, 12th Street is a great place to get some good food at affordable prices. Remote workers with cravings for Sushi will enjoy Sushi-ken in el Centro, which offers great deals on Wednesdays and Thursdays!

Beware of petty crime

As with any new city, remote workers should always beware of petty crime in Playa del Carmen. It is always recommended walking in groups at night and using marked taxis when getting around. In Playa del Carmen, you should beware of motorbikes riding close to the sidewalk, particularly if you tend to carry your laptop around with you! One of the most useful tips for remote workers in Playa del Carmen is to avoid ATMs on 5ta Avenida, not only because of higher withdrawal fees but also because the area can be crowded and pickpockets may operate.

Join an online community!

Remote workers in Playa del Carmen will benefit from any of the many online communities offering space for advice and tips on life in the city. Facebook has a number of groups dedicated to Expat and life in Playa del Carmen, offering great opportunities for meeting others around the city, finding great new restaurants and co-working space, and many other tips for remote workers in Playa del Carmen.

For more tips about living in Playa del Carmen, check out our complete Tips section.