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Buenos Aires questions

How to find apartments for remote workers in Buenos Aires?

Finding suitable apartments for remote workers in Buenos Aires is not a necessarily difficult task. Indeed, the city is home to a large digital nomad and expat population, meaning there are lots of suitable apartments on offer with the right amenities to support a remote work lifestyle. It is recommended however, that, if this is your first time in the city, you should book yourself an Airbnb or hotel for a few days in one of the central neighborhoods while you have a chance to explore some of the many diverse areas around the city and visit some apartments in person.

In general, it is also a good idea to secure your rent in Argentine Pesos (ARS) to take advantage of constantly improving exchange rates. Below, we highlight some useful sites where you may be able to find suitable apartments for remote workers in Buenos Aires.

Airbnb Buenos Aires

This is an invaluable resource for any traveler and remote worker. Airbnb can be a great tool for finding apartments for remote workers in Buenos Aires. Prices may be a little above market, but contacting hosts directly and letting them know you intend to stay for a few months may result in substantial discounts to you. Renting an AirBnB is also a great way of having a point of contact (your host) upon arrival.

Departamentos y Habitaciones en Alquiler en Buenos Aires

With over 133000 members, the Departmentos y Habitaciones group offers a very useful space to find great apartments for remote workers in Buenos Aires. On this site you will find a wide variety of rooms and apartments available for rent in all areas of the city, for more affordable prices and available to rent directly from landlords or leaseholders. Ads are usually complete with photographs, contact information and pricing guidelines. Of course, it is always a good idea to research ad owners and visit apartments in person before committing to anything.

Buenos Aires Classifieds

This is another large Facebook group with over 8000 members dedicated to the sale of a wide range of goods. On Buenos Aires Classifieds you can regularly find suitable apartments for remote workers in Buenos Aires at affordable prices and in popular areas across the city. As with most facebook sites offering apartments, one of the benefits of this group is the opportunity to rent directly without the need for agencies. This group is an off-shoot of the popular Buenos Aires Expat Hub and is well-moderated using the same guidelines.

Buenos Aires Habitat

Buenos Aires Habitat is a luxury rental site which offers fully-furnished apartments for rent across the very best and most popular neighborhoods in the Argentine capital. You can expect apartments on offer here to be very well-designed and equipped with modern furnishings to make your stay comfortable and secure. This agency has experience dealing with short-term and relocation rentals meaning you are likely to obtain a personalized service if you rent here. In general, expect prices to be above market rates here.

For more information about living in Buenos Aires as a remote worker, check out our complete Buenos Aires guide.