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Rio de Janeiro questions

What are some tips for remote workers in Rio de Janeiro?

There are numerous good tips for remote workers in Rio de Janeiro. This global city is accustomed to international visitors and tourists, meaning it is not necessarily a difficult city to navigate. Nonetheless, remote workers thinking about staying here for an extended period of time will inevitably face additional hurdles and have more questions about life in this unique city. Perhaps the best general tip for remote workers in Rio de Janeiro is certainly to be careful around the city and take the usual precautions to ensure your personal safety here.

It is also a good idea to rent a hotel room or Airbnb in one of the main neighborhoods and use this as a base from which to explore other neighborhoods and visit apartments in person, during your first days or weeks in the city. Below, we outline some additional useful tips for remote workers in Rio de Janeiro.

Join a community

This is a crucial tip for remote workers in Rio de Janeiro and any other large, global city. Rio de Janeiro is an active city filled with entertainment and things to do. Yet it is also huge and often intimidating, meaning it can be easy for remote workers here to feel isolated or alone in the middle of all the action. Joining one of the local international communities is a great way to push yourself out of your comfort zone and meet other remote workers in town. These online and in-person groups provide valuable networking and social opportunities, as well as spaces where you might feel comfortable practicing your Portuguese.

Learn some Portuguese

Getting a grasp on Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro is a great way of getting to know other international visitors as well as locals in the city. Beyond that, learning a new language is a valuable skill and likely to open up social and business opportunities here, making it a useful tip for remote workers in Rio de Janeiro. There are lots of ways to learn Portuguese - language-learning apps, podcasts and bilingual online newspapers are only some of the useful resources you can use. Joining one of the many local Portuguese language schools in the city is also a good way to learn. Some popular schools here include Caminhos Language Center, Rio + Learn and Fala Aรญ.

Immerse yourself in local culture

One of the best things about living in Rio de Janeiro for remote workers will without a doubt be the numerous cultural opportunities available daily around the city. As such, a top tip for remote workers in Rio de Janeiro will be to get out there and get delve deep into Brazilian culture here. Joining a samba or capoeira school is a popular activity for visitors to the city, and walking tours around the cityโ€™s most iconic areas are regular also. Take one of the popular bondes from central Rio to Bohemian Santa Teresa, or attend a football match at any of the cityโ€™s historic venues. If you like to party, being active in the cityโ€™s dynamic nightlife scene is another way to meet people and get an authentic perspective on the cityโ€™s vibe.

For more information about living in Rio de Janeiro as a remote worker, check out our complete Rio de Janeiro guide.